Volvo Motorcars

If you have been looking for a new car to drive, you may want to consider Volvo motorcars. The company has a great reputation for quality and durability and their vehicles are popular with both road and off-road enthusiasts. They offer a wide variety of models and are available for both luxury and economy buyers.

SKF trademark for motorcars

Volvo, or VOLVO, is a Swedish brand of motorcars and trucks. It is also a brand name in the industrial drive systems and aerospace components industry.

The VOLVO trademark is a registered mark in many countries. The trademark’s symbol is a circle and arrow. In Latin, the symbol means “I roll.”

The arrow translates to “strength” in the English language. A symbol of this kind has been used since ancient times. During the Roman empire, it was the symbol for the planet Mars.

Today, the Volvo logo is a circular emblem …